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About a year ago, I worked for a company from 5/2015 to 11/2015 when I and my work partner were laid off. Our job was making cotton candy, when I was hired there was nothing said about temp work the kijji ad said nothing as well. We were called back in March 2016, I worked till July 25 2017, when they terminated me for unknown reason according to EI. They said my papers only said dismissed. When they terminated me they offered me $1200 plus my regular pay and my owed vacation pay. I was financially stressed so I did sign the document. Can I do anything at this time, or no cause I signed the document. Thanks for your time.

Thank you for your question. If you have already signed a full and final release, then you cannot claim for your severance. However, I would recommend that you contact us and send us the document you signed for our review, so that we can determine whether it bars you from claiming your entitlements. We can be reached at the number below.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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